So it's officially May here! Also made me realize how I forgot about this, oops. The weather is getting amazingly warm and it's beginning to feel like summer, finally! Minus the fact that this means monsoon season is coming and I am without rain boots. Today is children's day in Korea, a national holiday where noone goes to work, children have no school and there is yelling in the streets. Regardless I got to catch up on sleep, spend the day napping and some shopping and cleaning. Oh the exciting life. In celebration of Cinco De Mayo we went for Mexican food yesterday at On The Border, one of the few and far between Mexican places in Seoul. But the food is amazing and the drinks full of tequila and margarita mix...just the way I like it!
Last weekend was gorgeous so I ended up going for a hike with Mike and Adam on Saturday, followed by dins with the guys and some of their girl friends who were soo sweet and lovely! The night of course was followed by Soju slushies and me going home early to be ready for sunday brunch...breaky buffet in Gagnam, surprisingly at a bar, which is hard to find here, especially since Koreans don't have a difference in meals and enjoy rice for breakfast. A nice breakfast surprise..Vitaliy!! He's back and we were super happy to see him. The other teachers and I ended up going for a bike ride along the Han River, nothing like the nice weather and old school bicycles to make for a great weekend.
This coming weekend we're all going bungee jumping for Vitaliy's birthday!! There will be updates, if I make it but Im super excited for this! Speaking of birthdays, it's also the new teacher's birthday that day. Shannon, she arrived here for her 3rd year of teaching, and behold, she is from Guelph. Small world but we haven't seen much of her because she's been out with her friends who she knows here.
Well that is all for now so there will be more updates soon times. xo